Human design chart explained free

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A center is considered completely open when the white center has no gates within it. To further break down the white centers, these are undefined when white with at least one dormant gate within it. Root (motor center): Adrenaline, Stress.Spleen: Intuition, Instinct, Immune system.Sacral (motor center) : Life force energy, Work, Sexuality.Solar Plexus (motor center): Emotions, Feelings, Creativity.Heart (motor center): Willpower, Ego, Drive.G-Center: Identity, Self, Love, Direction.

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Throat: Manifestation, Speaking, Communication.Ajna: Awareness/mind, Conceptualization.Undefined centers are a source of struggle or learning (or both). When the center is undefined, they absorb from the environment and are heavily influenced in those areas. When a center is defined the person has a consistent way of doing, feeling or experiencing things in that area. Each center can be defined (colored) or undefined (white). There are nine centers in the chart, represented by the triangles, squares, circles and rhomboids with numbers in them. However, the first thing to be done is decode the Centers. You have probably heard of Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profiles. Reading a Human Design chart is a bit like peeling an onion, you have to start from the outer layer.

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